Reading Curriculum
Reading Curriculum K-5
Reading is the foundation of all learning. In order to learn, a child must have good reading skills. In order to succeed, a child must learn how to read and write well.
In addition to standard textbooks, DAS has added several special programs:
SRA Imagine It! (from McGraw-Hill, one of the top educational research and publishing companies in the world
Accelerated Reader from Renaissance Learning, used by over 1/3 of all U.S. schools as well as internationally.
SRA Imagine It!-- is a set of coursework that is aligned with State of Florida standards and addresses the five key areas of reading and writing instruction:
Phonemic Awareness- the ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds in words
Systematic, Explicit Phonics– a systematic method of teaching children sound-spelling relationships and how to use those relationships to read words
Fluency - the ability to recognize, understand and automatically read accurately and quickly
Vocabulary – the words that must be understood when listening, speaking, reading, and writing in order to communicate effectively
The intent of this program is to aid all levels of learners to reach the highest possible of reading and writing skills. It also includes links to science and social studies and assessment that help provide the most effective instruction. There proven tools to assess student strengths and weaknesses and supplemental material to help build skills targeting instruction to the various levels of student reading/writing skills relative to their grade and age -- Approaching Level, On Level, Above Level and for new/basic English Learners.
Inspiring Students since 2013