5th - 8th Grade Students will have the chance to participate in competitive sports.

Discovery Academy of Science athletics is built on the following standards of excellence:

  • Sportsmanship
  • Practice Hard, Play Hard
  • Have Fun

All ELEVATE-DAS Athletes must have the Florida School Sports Physical complete and on file in order to participate. The link to this form is below.  

2024 - 2025 Athletics Offerings

Fall Season

  • Girls Volleyball 
  • Boys Soccer 

Winter Season

  • Girls Flag Football 
  • Coed Ball Hockey

Spring Season

  • Girls Soccer
  • Boys Flag Football
  • Girls Cheer

Athletics Summer Camps (2025)

Open to current 2024 - 2025 DAS students only

GRADES 2 - 7
Grades Week Camp Registration Contact
Current 2nd - 4th Grade June 2 - 6 Soccer https://dasschool.corecommerce.com/Soccer-Summer-Camp.html Coach Mineard, amineard@discoveryacademy.info
Coach Croft, ccroft@discoveryacademy.info
Current 2nd - 7th Grade June 9 - 13 Cheer https://dasschool.corecommerce.com/Cheer-Summer-Camp.html Coach Pinna, dpinna@discoveryacademy.info
Coach Zamborsky, azamborsky@discoveryacademy.info
Current 5th - 7th Grade June 9 - 13 Soccer https://dasschool.corecommerce.com/Soccer-Summer-Camp.html Coach Mineard, amineard@discoveryacademy.info
Coach Croft, ccroft@discoveryacademy.info
Current 3rd - 4th Grade June 16 - 20 Volleyball https://dasschool.corecommerce.com/Volleyball-Summer-Camp.html Coach Hawley, chawley@discoveryacademy.info
Current 5th - 7th Grade June 23 - 27 Volleyball https://dasschool.corecommerce.com/Volleyball-Summer-Camp.html Coach Hawley, chawley@discoveryacademy.info
Current 4th - 7th Grade July 7 - 11 Boys Basketball https://dasschool.corecommerce.com/Basketball-Summer-Camp.html Coach Mineard, amineard@discoveryacademy.info
Coach Croft, ccroft@discoveryacademy.info
Current 4th - 7th Grade July 21 - 25 Girls Basketball https://dasschool.corecommerce.com/Basketball-Summer-Camp.html Coach Hawley, chawley@discoveryacademy.info
Mr. Henrie will be running K - 2 Sports Game Camps.
See the dates below.
Week Location Registration Link
June 2 - 6 Inside
June 9 - 13 Undecided
June 16 - 20 Outside
June 23 - 27 Outside
July 7 - 11 Outside
July 14 - 18 Inside/Outside
Space is limited. Sign up via the link. For each week, the first 25 that sign up will be sent the link to pay with a deadline.

Student Participation Guidelines

Adherence to Participation Guidelines: Students must adhere to the student participation guidelines set forth by the school. These guidelines may cover behavior, attendance, and other conduct-related aspects that reflect positively on the student and the school.

  • All student athletes must have all paperwork completed and sports physicals completed before they are allowed to try-out and participate in that sport.
  • Academic Success: The top priority for student athletes is their academic success. They must maintain satisfactory academic performance to be eligible to participate in sports. 
    • Students must have at least a C (70) in all classes in order to participate
    • Students will be removed from practice or participation if they are missing excessive amounts of homework.
  • Role Model Characteristics: Student athletes are expected to demonstrate proper role model characteristics throughout the school community. This includes displaying good sportsmanship, leadership, respect for others, and positive behavior.
    • Students who receive lunch detention or any sort of referral will not be allowed to participate in practice/game on that day.
    • Students who exceed ___2___ conduct points  in a week will not be allowed to participate those number of days.  Ex.  Student gets 3 conduct points they miss 1 day due to the fact they exceeded the 2 conduct point limit by 1 (either practice or game whichever comes first)
    • Students who accumulate too many conduct points or referrals can be removed from the team for the remainder of the season and it may affect their eligibility for other seasons.
  • Try-Out Based Teams: All sports teams are try-out based, meaning that students must go through a selection process to earn a spot on the team. This ensures that athletes on the team have the necessary skills and abilities to contribute to the team's success.
  • Loss of Privilege: If a student fails to meet the academic or behavioral requirements at any time during the school year, they may lose the privilege of participating in practices, games, or even be removed from the team.

Athletics Mission

At Discovery Academy of Science, our mission extends beyond providing an exemplary academic education. We believe that learning is a holistic experience that transcends the boundaries of the traditional classroom, integrating multiple aspects of personal growth and development.

We champion a vibrant extra-curricular program, with a special emphasis on athletics, recognizing its pivotal role in enhancing our students' overall education. Our athletic programs are designed to inspire, motivate, and challenge our students, cultivating their unique skills and talents outside the academic sphere.

Athletics at our academy serves as a vital tool for instilling essential life values such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and social responsibility. By actively participating in team sports and individual physical pursuits, our students learn to collaborate, compete healthily, and contribute positively to their communities.

We are committed to nurturing an environment that fosters growth, resilience, and the spirit of inclusivity through athletics. Our aim is to shape well-rounded individuals who excel not only in their studies but also in their personal development, and who are equipped to navigate life's challenges with confidence, integrity, and a healthy competitive spirit.  

About Us

Discovery Academy of Science is a public charter school approved by the Pinellas County School District.



Grades KG - 8th
2433 Nursery Rd. Clearwater, FL 33764
Ph: 727-330-2424